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Titolo |
Titolo in inglese |
Autore |
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1 | 4 | Ett fynd att dö för | Death Goes Antiquing | Anders De la Motte, Måns Nilsson | Bokförlaget Forum | 209 SEK |  |
2 | 2 | Den fjärde doktrinen | The Fourth Doctrine | Denise Rudberg | Bookmark Förlag | 199 SEK |  |
3 | 9 | Profeten och idioten | The Prophet and the Idiot | Jonas Jonasson | Bokförlaget Polaris | 219 SEK |  |
4 | 1 | Andra sidan månen | On the other Side of the Moon | Mari Jungstedt | Albert Bonniers Förlag | 209 SEK |  |
5 | 3 | Själsfränden | The soulmate | Sofie Sarenbrant | Bookmark Förlag | 209 SEK |  |
6 | Back | Den saknade systern | The Missing Sister (Paperback) | Lucinda Riley | Bazar Förlag | 111 SEK |  |
7 | New | Kungshjärta | The King's Heart | Lars Wilderäng | Norstedts | 199 SEK |  |
8 | New | En främling knackar på din dörr | A Stranger Comes Knocking | Håkan Nesser | Albert Bonniers Förlag | 209 SEK |  |
9 | 5 | Mord i lönndom | Murder in Secrecy | Jan Mårtenson | Wahlström & Widstrand | 210 SEK |  |
10 | Back | Kult | Cult | Camilla Läckberg, Henrik Fexeus | Bokförlaget Forum | 219 SEK |  |
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Titolo |
Titolo in inglese |
Autore |
Editore |
Prezzo |
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1 | 4 | Girig-Sverige | Greedy-Sweden | Andreas Cervenka | Natur & Kultur Allmänlitteratur | 217 SEK | |
2 | 5 | Sudoku : 300 sifferpussel stigande svårighetsgrad medel-extrem | Sudoku: 300 Number Puzzles Rising Difficulty Medium-Extreme | Gareth Moore | Tukan förlag | 69 SEK | |
3 | 2 | Det fallna imperiet | The Fallen Empire | Martin Kragh | Fri Tanke | 199 SEK | |
4 | 10 | Tills alla dör | Until Everybody Dies | Diamant Salihu | Mondial | 147 SEK | |
5 | 3 | Ord och handling | Words and Deeds | Jan Eliasson | Albert Bonniers Förlag | 225 SEK | |
6 | 1 | Bäst i test 2 | Best in Test 2 | David Sundin | Bokförlaget Forum | 198 SEK | |
7 | New | M Vägatlas Sverige 2022 | M Swedens Road Atlas 2021 | - | Kartförlaget | 259 SEK | |
8 | Back | Au pif! | At Random! | Emma Hamberg | The Book Affair | 267 SEK | |
9 | 9 | Jakten på miljonerna | The Hunt for the Millions | 100miljonersmannen, | Mondial | 219 SEK | |
10 | 7 | Skogslandet | The Forest Land | Lisa Röstlund | Bokförlaget Forum | 209 SEK | |
NARRATIVA - Descrizione
 Death Goes Antiquing is part 2 of the The Österlen Murders series. Österlen is basking in the summer sun and the big antique market in Degeberga is just about to kick off. The gates have hardly opened before a brutal murder of a notorious antique dealer shakes the visitors to their core. Inspector Peter Vinton is called in from his vacation to investigate. Tove Esping, working hard to assert her position at the Simrishamn Police force, is assigned to assist him. Whilst the unlikely pair is investigating the murder, the locals are preparing for the television recording of Antiques Roadshow at the nearby Gärsnäs Castle. Vinston and Esping soon come to realize that the world of antiques is full of eccentrics, old conflicts and mysteries that are remarkably difficult to unravel. The question that it all boils down to: who is willing to kill in order to get their hands on the best find?
 The Fourth Doctrine is part 4 of the Code Breakers series. The pressure on Sweden and the friends at Karlaplan 4 is immense. Goebbles talks about neutral publicity and Sweden crouches so as not to end up being the next country on the attack-list. In addition to the external press, small fires are also beginning to burn in the relationships’ at home in Stockholm. Iris is in a foxhole, sandwiched between her sister with Nazi sympathies and her sons' Jewish heritage. Elisabeth begins to realize that the freedom she thought she would gain through marriage could not, in fact, be more distant. For Signe, life is turned upside down when a sudden death changes the conditions on the family farm she thought she had left behind forever.
 Sweden, late summer of 2011. Self-taught astrophysicist Petra has calculated that the atmosphere will collapse on the 21st of September that year, around 21.20 to be more precise, bringing about the end of times. Circumstances bring Petra the doomsday-prophet to meet Johan, a man who is somewhat lacking in the intelligence department, but who can turn simple food into gourmet cuisine, and Agnes, a widow of 75 who has made bank living a double life on social media as a young influencer. Together, the trio race through Europe in a camper van on their way to Rome as Johan plans to make the most out of the time he has left by finally standing up to his heinous big brother, promising to deliver a swift yet brutal blow, in more ways than one. But of course, nothing ever goes as planned. Not even the end of the world.
 On the other Side of the Moon is part 2 of the Andalucia series. On an icy cold New Year's day, a newly in love couple is found murdered in a hot tub on a lonely farm on the High Coast. The man is from Sweden, but lives in Málaga, and the woman is from Spain. The couple has been shot dead with a bow. The investigation is on the Spanish side guided by Hector Correa and on the Swedish side by Lisa Hagel. Together they discover connections to the underground in Marbella's run-down port district and other terrifying events in the past.
 The Soulmate is part 10 of the Emma Sköld series. Stockholm is exploding in the warm colours of autumn. It is a striking view, but police detective Emma Sköld’s eyes falls on something else. A woman is balancing on the wrong side of the railing of a major bridge, holding a baby in her arms. As the woman’s hair catches the wind, Emma realizes she must prevent her from jumping and falling twenty-six meters freely, straight down to a certain death. And it is not just her, in her arms the woman is holding a baby. What has led the woman to stand there? Emma Sköld and her colleagues must find out as they face their most urgent case yet.
 The Missing Sister is part seven of the Seven Sister series. They’ll search the world to find her. The six D’Aplièse sisters have each been on their own incredible journey to discover their heritage, but they still have one question left unanswered: who and where is the seventh sister? They only have one clue – an image of a star-shaped emerald ring. The search to find the missing sister will take them across the globe – from New Zealand to Canada, England, France and Ireland – uniting them all in their mission to complete their family at last. In doing so, they will slowly unearth a story of love, strength and sacrifice that began almost one hundred years ago, as other brave young women risk everything to change the world around them.
 The King's Heart is part 2 of the Hanna Hjerta series. A Swedish agent at the Office of Special Investigation disappears without a trace on assignment in the militarized Russian exclave of Kaliningrad on the east coast of the Baltic Sea. Hanna Hjerta at the Special Forces Command is pulled from a routine mission in Sweden and sent to try to find the agent or alternatively clean up after him - a mission that should be easy. But then the past catches up with her. Hanna is drawn into a conspiracy and a betrayal that threatens the region in a way no one could ever have predicted, and the stakes become personal.
 One stormy night at the end of January, Judith Miller opens the door to a stranger, without knowing that her life has just taken a completely new direction, that this is the moment she will forever look back on as the start of both the best and the worst that happened to her. Years later, the past begins to haunt her and this time she has more to lose… In the same way, Anna Kowalski makes a fateful decision on an otherwise dreary Valentine’s Day evening, and the lonely man who owns the horses Black and Brown cannot resist the urge to start following a young beautiful girl who takes the same bus. Any step in a new direction can lead to unforeseen, fatal consequences, and Commissioner Jung must lay out a puzzle with many missing pieces. Some cases a perhaps better left unsolved?
 Antique dealer Homan got water over his head. A senior official in the Government Offices is accused of rape and needs his help, and soon he is drawn into a net of arms exports, foreign intelligence services, the sinking of Estonia and last but not least a fallen serpent in nuptial paradise. Luckily there is culture, antiques and culinary delights to comfort yourself with.
 Cult is the second installment in the series about the investigators Vincent and Mina. When a little boy goes missing from a preschool in Södermalm, Stockholm, police inspector Mina Dabiri and her colleagues are once again put to the test. They immediately find similarities with another child kidnapping, that ended really badly, and understand that they have to do with life-threatening forces. Everything points towards that more children will go missing. For the first time since the dramatical events two years before, Mina takes up the contact with the mentalist Vincent Walder. Their relationship is just as special now and he proves to be of use also in this investigation. But the clock is ticking and when the most unprotected become victims – who can save them?